E-distribuzione Table - DG 10061 Ed 5
Requirements for the construction of prefabricated boxes for electrical equipment Ed 5
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Requirements for the construction of prefabricated boxes for electrical equipment Ed 5
Requirements for the construction of prefabricated boxes for electrical equipment Ed 5
Requirements for the construction of prefabricated boxes for electrical equipment Ed 5
Requirements for the construction of prefabricated boxes for electrical and. 1
MV / LV Substations off standard mains connection, Electricity, prefabricated or assembled on site, and local brick substations and substations located in residential areas
Requirements for the construction of prefabricated boxes for electrical and. 2
Requirements for testing acceptance of prefabricated substations in vibrated reinforced concrete electrically equipped Ed 5
Criteria for the connection of passive and active systems to the electrical MV E-distribuzione distribution
General protection devices for MV E-distribuzione customers distribution
Interpretational Attachments CEI 0-16 second edition
Pdf file downloaded from the website of the Authority for Electricity and Gas: www.autorita.energia.it/docs/08/119-08ARG-eltDMEG_AllegatoA.pdf
Acceptance Temporary derogation new specific non-standard substations with a wall thickness of less than 9 cm prescribed, but a minimum of 7 cm, up to December 31, 2011
download Temporary derogation new specification standard outside substations
criteria for connection of customers to the network MV distribution
Criteria for the connection of plants to the MV network of E-distribuzione distribution.
download Legislation passed and adopt provisions DK5740. 2.1 (May '07)
Updating Tables E-distribuzione DK5740.
download Legislation passed E-distribuzione DK5740 and update provisions. 2.1 (July '07)
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